Tranquility Health Services


The Tranquility Health Club is NOT INSURANCE. It is a membership service build around facilitating convenience in obtaining health related services for its members. Its chief goal is to provide linkages between patients requiring care and health care providers. Membership has its privileges.

• Free weekly motivational message/Healthcare News
• Home Care and support services
• Hospital Clinical Care with Markedly reduced Drugs and Medication costs
• Facilitation and negotiated reduction of International Medical costs
• Provision of Medical Summary reports
• Facilitation of cost-effective Private Institutional Care particular to the need
• Tele-health and Telemedicine services and follow-up
• Development, Construction and Distribution of Go- Fund-Me Page for suitable candidates without any initial capital out lay but an agreement for Tranquility Health Services to benefit from a percentage of the total amount collected.

Health cost will impact us all. Your level of health will place you in one of the following expense categories. Tranquility Health Club will assist in reducing these expenses.

  • Less than $5000


    Clients who are well, no medical diagnosis, over the counter medications, herbal medications, organic diets and lifestyle changes. ANNUAL COSTS EXPENDITURE less than five thousand dollars (<$5,000.00)

  • $5,000 – $10,000


    Clients with a medical diagnosis, Taking medications, No significant signs or symptoms, living normally, Physician visit once a month or less frequent and minimal therapies. ANNUAL COSTS EXPENDITURE between five and ten thousand dollars ($ 5,000.00 – 10,000.00)

  • $10,000. – $15,000


    Clients with a medical diagnosis , associated evidence of signs and symptoms, multiple medications, extensive laboratory and diagnostic investigations, Physician visits more frequent than once a month, particular therapies, Still able to be gainfully employed and may require international referral. ANNAUL COSTS EXPENDITURE between ten and fifteen thousand dollars($ 10,000.00 – 15,000.00)

  • $15,000 – $25,000


    Clients with a significant medical diagnosis, moderate to severe chronic medical conditions, Special therapies, physical impairments, specialty medical services, multiple drug therapies, Cancer diagnosis and may require international referrals. ANNUAL COSTS EXPENDITURE between fifteen thousand and twenty five thousand dollars ($ 15,000.00 – 25,000.00)



    Clients with serious/ severe medical diagnosis, Chronic severe medical conditions, Severe Trauma, Impaired physical function, loss of independence, bedridden, unable to be gainfully employed, Long term Institutional Care, Hospice Care and guarded prognosis. ANNUAL COSTS EXPENDITURE greater than twenty five thousand (>$ 25,000.00)

In general, the appropriate average costs per individual is eight to ten thousands ( $8,000.00 – 10,000,00) per annum.

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